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One of the great privileges of the local church is to participate in God's mission through obedient giving that is systematic, proportionate, and sacrificial in nature. Sharing the resources God has given us is an important way to worship the Giver of all good things.

Systematic | Sacrificial | Proportionate

Giving Values

  • Giving on a Regular, Recurring Basis

    “You must set aside a tithe of your crops—one-tenth of all the crops you harvest each year. Bring this tithe to the designated place of worship—the place the Lord your God chooses for his name to be honored—and eat it there in his presence. This applies to your tithes of grain, new wine, olive oil, and the firstborn males of your flocks and herds. Doing this will teach you always to fear the Lord your God." Deuteronomy 14:22-23 NLT

  • Giving beyond what might be expected

    “They are being tested by many troubles, and they are very poor. But they are also filled with abundant joy, which has overflowed in rich generosity. For I can testify that they gave not only what they could afford, but far more. And they did it of their own free will. They begged us again and again for the privilege of sharing in the gift for the believers in Jerusalem.” 2 Corinthians 8:2-4 NLT

  • Biblical tithe - 10% of our income

    “You must set aside a tithe of your crops—one-tenth of all the crops you harvest each year. Bring this tithe to the designated place of worship—the place the Lord your God chooses for his name to be honored—and eat it there in his presence. This applies to your tithes of grain, new wine, olive oil, and the firstborn males of your flocks and herds. Doing this will teach you always to fear the Lord your God." Deuteronomy 14:22-23 NLT

You can give in person during our worship services by placing your gift in one of the giving boxes located throughout the building.


Mail your tithe or offering to:

Great Oaks Fellowship
8531 W Loop 1604 N
San Antonio, TX 78254

Mail a Check

Give online by electronic bank transfer from your checking/savings account, debit/credit card*, or Apple Pay. You can also give online through the Church Center app.

In an effort to be faithful stewards with what God has entrusted to us, we offer an easy-to-use online giving service called Planning Center Giving.

Please consider adding your bank account to give (ACH). Giving received via debit or credit card yields a higher transaction fee for the church, reducing the giving amount.


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Does your employer offer giving through Benevity?

Some employers (like USAA) offer Benevity as an option for employees to give to non-profits with donation matching. Ask your employer if they use Benevity, and consider switching to this platform for your giving to Great Oaks.


NYC Mission Trip

We're sending a team from Great Oaks to serve others with the New York School of Urban Ministry (NYSUM) in 2025. If you would like to give above and beyond to contribute to the costs for this mission trip and the opportunity for others to join, give using the link below.

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