Fellowship Groups are a great way to plug in and experience true biblical community.
Fellowship Groups are groups of 8-12 adults dedicated to the pursuit of saying yes to Jesus in all areas of their lives. They gather weekly for fellowship, Bible Study, accountability, prayer, and serving together. This is where we "do life" together, with each of us bringing our unique gifts to help and enrich other members of the group.
All of our Fellowship Groups go through a curriculum that is written by a team at Great Oaks to support each week's sermon, allowing our church to grow together.

Most groups meet weekly, but there are a few groups that meet bi-weekly.
Beyond just enjoying community together, your Fellowship Group leader will lead your group through scriptures and discussion questions in line with the previous week's sermon and open up a time for prayer requests.
To support our Fellowship Groups that grow in unity as our church grows, all of our Fellowship Groups go through the same curriculum provided by our curriculum writing team.
Most meet in the leader's home or a host home, but there are a few groups that meet at the church or at other spots around San Antonio.
We know that schedules may be hard to work around, groups may max out their capacities, and there are times when there are simply not enough leaders who have stepped up to lead a group. In the event you're unable to find a group, request to join the "Still Looking for a Group" group on the Fellowship Group page. This lets us know that you are looking for a group and puts you on the contact list to be alerted as soon as new groups open up.
If you already have a group that you are fellowshipping with and want to formalize your group as a Fellowship Group sanctioned by Great Oaks, have whoever will be leading the group submit a Fellowship Group Leader Request. Once your group is approved, our team will set you up with the resources you need.
You do not have to be a Mission Partner to be involved in a Life Group, but we do encourage all of our Mission Partners to be involved in one!
Grace Point provides our Life Group leaders with curriculum to go through with those in their group each week.
You can select a Life Group from the Life Group page in Church Center once it is available.
Each Life Group can decide how they want to arrange childcare.