Wednesday Nights
6:30 - 8:30 PM
Our weekly GO Students gathering is for all students (grades 6-12) at the Great Oaks Campus from 6:30-8:30pm.
This is a night where students can participate in fellowship before the service, engage in worship, read scripture, hear teaching, and gather in Student Life Groups immediately following the service.
Student Fellowship Groups are organized by grade and gender. Leaders have the opportunity on Wednesday nights to connect with their Fellowship Group as a whole.
Student Fellowship Groups are also encouraged to partake in a fun activity outside of church every month!
Student Fellowship Groups
Sunday Mornings
10:30 AM (11 AM Service)
All students are invited to come early at 10:30 am service and head to room 107 for an opportunity to participate in fellowship through games, spending time together, and meeting with our Student Pastor.
Once the service begins, we invite all students to sit together during the 11am service on Sunday mornings in the Student Section. If you face the stage, it's on the front right side of the worship center.
Our student- based team serves coffee and pastries to the congregation on Sunday mornings in a service called Crew Coffee. Students are encouraged to begin volunteering here and in other ministry areas at Great Oaks Fellowship (Welcome Team, Parking Team, etc.).
Click the button below if you're interested in serving on the Crew Coffee Team.
Student Serve Opportunities

Wednesday Nights
Parking and check-ins are located in the back on Wednesday nights. Head to the back doors or talk with a GO Students volunteer for first time check-ins.
Sunday Mornings
GO Students hang out in Room 107 on Sunday mornings starting at 10:30 AM. If you need help finding it, ask anyone wearing a lanyard with a white name tag!
Student then sit together during the 11 AM service. If you face the stage, it's on the front right side of the worship center.GO Students at Great Oaks are students in 6th-12th grade.
In the spring, GO Students hosts "Experience Night." This is a night to welcome incoming 6th grade students, celebrate graduating seniors, and allow parents and interested volunteers a chance to experience what GO Students is all about.
Yes! Check out some of the fun events hosted each year by GO Students:
The WKND (Spring Retreat)
Summer Camp Fundraising
Summer Camp
Experience Night
Fall Fiesta
Christmas Party
As events get closer, they will show up on the GO Students events calendar.
Connect on Social
GO Students
6th - 12th Grade
We are a student ministry with a simple objective: Rallying to encounter and carry the presence of God.